Short presentation

First developed by Gabriel Fricout and Dominique Jeulin (CMM - Mines ParisTech) in collaboration with John Bertram and his team at the Dpt of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Monash University, the algorithms reimplemented in JSkel aimed at computing the skeleton of the ureteric tree of mouse kidneys (working on 3D segmented images) and measuring the length of each branch.

These algorithms have since proved themselves to be robust enough to be used for the characterization of other structures (eg prostate glands, nerves, paper's fibers).

Find a longer description here (but it's in French...).


[1] Fricout G., Jeulin D., Cullen Mc Ewen L., Harper I.S., Bertram J.F. (2002) 3-D Skeletonization of ureteretic trees in developing kidneys, in: Mathematical Morphology, Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium-ISMM'2002, Sydney, 3-5 April 2002, H. Talbot & R. Beare (eds), CSIRO Publishing, pp. 157-164.

[2] Cullen-McEwen L.A., Fricout G., Harper I.S., Jeulin D., Bertram J.F. (2002) Quantitation of 3D ureteric branching morphogenesis in cultured embryonic mouse kidney, Int J Dev Biol 46(8), pp.1049-1055.

[3] Almahbobi G., Hedwards S., Fricout G., Jeulin D., Bertram J.F., Risbridger G.P. (2004) Computer-based detection of neonatal changes to branching morphogenesis reveals different mechanisms of and predicts prostate enlargement in bone morphogenetic protein 4 haploinsufficient mice, accepted for publication in Journal of Pathology.

[4] Cain J.E., Nion Th., Jeulin D., Bertram J.F. (2004) Exogenous BMP-4 amplifies asymmetric ureteric branching in the developing mouse kidney in vitro, Kidney International, vol. 67 (2005) pp. 420-431.